Monitoring America: A web of ~4K govt organizations each with its own counterterrorism responsibilities & jurisdictions.
Monthly Archives: December 2010
2010-12-20 12:18:35 +0000
This suggests massive confusion about what is and is not subject to opinion. 40% Americans Believe in Strict Creationism
2010-12-20 11:27:40 +0000
RT @LiveDhirawit: Matter is like a small ripple on the tremendous ocean of energy…beyond that ocean may be still bigger ocean…David Bohm
2010-12-20 10:17:34 +0000
Many of these states are a political and economic liability, and should simply be expelled from this republic.
2010-12-19 21:10:02 +0000
If your to-do methodology takes more than 50 words to explain or more than 1 tweet to summarize, you’re just chewing holes in your own fur.
2010-12-19 16:20:46 +0000
These make great interludes and shuffle surprises. RT @ubuweb: ‘The Conet Project…Shortwave Numbers Stations’ [DL]:
Plotinus showed, too, an unconquerable reluctance to sit to a painter or a sculptor, and when Amelius persisted in urging him to allow of a portrait being made he asked him, ‘Is it not enough to carry about this image in which nature has enclosed us? Do you really think I must also consent to leave, as a desired spectacle to posterity, an image of the image?’
Plotinus was often distressed by an intestinal complaint, but declined clysters, pronouncing the use of such remedies unbecoming in an elderly man: in the same way he refused such medicaments as contain any substance taken from wild beasts or reptiles: all the more, he remarked, since he could not approve of eating the flesh of animals reared for the table.
Plotinus said: ‘I have been a long time waiting for you. Strive to give back the Divine in yourself to the Divine in the All.’ As he spoke a snake crept under the bed on which he lay and slipped away into a hole in the wall: at the same moment Plotinus died.
Porphyry, “On the Life of Plotinus and the Arrangement of his Work”
2010-12-19 15:27:55 +0000
Among Forms, even stones, mud, and hair
2010-12-19 14:13:51 +0000
Erotic mapping of the cyborg body. Knowing, penetrating: (Such a great show. Re-watched on DVD this weekend. I miss it.)
2010-12-19 13:14:08 +0000
Towards a scientiÂc concept of free will as a biological trait: spontaneous actions and decision-making in invertebrates