BBC News – Free will similar in animals, humans – but not so free
Monthly Archives: December 2010
It so annoys me to read the blogger’s cliché that Montaigne was the original blogger. Montaigne was Montaigne, and that’s the reason to read him. If anyone, it would be Aulus Gellius. But since neither Montaigne nor Aulus Gellius would make the same mistake, in fact, the comparison fails for both.
2010-12-18 16:04:47 +0000
I feel caught in the tension between my characteristic and my mantissa.
2010-12-18 14:31:41 +0000
I favorited a YouTube video — Cindytalk “it’s Luxury”
2010-12-18 13:15:30 +0000
Borrowing time on an interest-only loan, but here comes the principal, at a higher rate. Now I begin to pay the true costs of exhaustion…
2010-12-18 12:03:15 +0000
Ugh! Europe Rules That Dan Flavin and Bill Viola Artworks Are Not Art –
2010-12-17 22:37:15 +0000
🙁 Captain Beefheart, a.k.a. Don Van Vliet, dies at 69
2010-12-17 14:03:31 +0000
Forget trust. Only clarity matters. Trust, by definition, will always have been misplaced.
2010-12-17 12:15:48 +0000
Would rather be spending my morning with Plotinus and Ficino than doing what I am doing-or rather, not doing-back to it!
2010-12-17 11:15:06 +0000
James Burke’s Connections now available on YouTube– I really loved this series!