RT @ubuweb: A fantastic documentary/primer about the life & work of Walter Benjamin, “One Way Street”: http://t.co/8qj3gKbT
Monthly Archives: October 2011
2011-10-28 16:55:16 +0000
The Edges of Time – It is at the edges that time thins. Time which had been dense and viscous as amber… http://t.co/nig4oQXw
The Edges of Time
It is at the edges
that time thins.
Time which had been
dense and viscous
as amber suspending
intentions like bees
unseizes them. A
humming begins,
apparently coming
from stacks of
put-off things or
just in back. A
racket of claims now,
as time flattens. A
glittering fan of things
competing to happen,
brilliant and urgent
as fish when seas
—Kay Ryan
2011-10-28 15:45:08 +0000
Everything I have ate everything I could have been.
2011-10-28 12:56:42 +0000
#ff and goodwill to @CBCarey @annus_mirabilis @angelindiskies @moth_ra @mason_mem @steveroggenbuck @BadDalaiLama @CrankyPappy @angadc
2011-10-28 12:51:29 +0000
I’ve been sending myself boxes of puppets from the future, for the sake of gestural reciprocity.
2011-10-27 23:16:16 +0000
Thank you for the profound dysphoria.
2011-10-27 17:49:57 +0000
I’m excited. This book is amazing. Oliver Stone to Direct ‘Power Broker’ Robert Moses bio film for HBO http://t.co/eG0GxftJ
2011-10-27 12:23:37 +0000
If the only streets in the American imagination are Main Street and Wall Street, then we’re really not going to get very far.
2011-10-27 12:15:04 +0000
Do you do what it gives you to be glossy and indignant?