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Monthly Archives: June 2012
2012-06-04 19:41:07 +0000
@Heckadecimal Yes. @BarackObama and @MittRomney.
2012-06-04 19:27:01 +0000
Star your close friends to see more of the important moments in their lives. (Friends won’t know you’ve starred them.)
2012-06-04 19:20:03 +0000
Flesh inhabits.
2012-06-04 13:48:34 +0000
Your face is a bag of ants. And your mouth is a box of spiders.
2012-06-02 02:33:10 +0000
Anything That God could do to create you would prove there is no God.
2012-06-02 02:27:19 +0000
Each moment literally prophesies itself AS IT OCCURS.
2012-06-02 02:23:13 +0000
Omitting to seek after God, and creation, and things similar to these, seek for Him from (out of) thyself, and learn who it is that absolutely appropriates (unto Himself) all things in thee, and says, “My God my mind, my understanding, my soul, my body.” And learn from whence are sorrow, and joy, and love, and hatred, and involuntary wakefulness, and involuntary drowsiness, and involuntary anger, and involuntary affection; and if you accurately investigate these (points), you will discover (God) Himself, unity and plurality, in thyself, according to that tittle, and that He finds the outlet (for Deity) to be from thyself.