Agave bore his head in triumph in the delusion that it was that of a lion.
Category Archives: Tweet
From the feet up the crown of the head steals the spasm, the stab of Frenzy, aye, the scorpionÛªs sting.
From the feet up the crown of the head steals the spasm, the stab of Frenzy, aye, the scorpionÛªs sting.
My favorite food ever is one specific blueberry. I just ate it and now I will never have my favorite food again and I can’t stop crying.
My favorite food ever is one specific blueberry. I just ate it and now I will never have my favorite food again and I can’t stop crying.
2014-01-25 18:15:15 +0000
RT @ubuweb: Thousands of MP3s of Japanese pop music, mostly from the 1920s-1950s:
Ejaculatory oracularity
Ejaculatory oracularity
Appropriation / DIRECT retribution
Appropriation / DIRECT retribution
Existence is over.
Existence is over.
I will fall and the sun will fall and we will all fall all
I will fall and the sun will fall and we will all fall all
the ordinary name of the hundred-armed giant
the ordinary name of the hundred-armed giant
“Click anywhere inside the box to close.” This sounds like a trap to me.
“Click anywhere inside the box to close.” This sounds like a trap to me.