Zeus lui accorda de choisir ce qu’il voulait, et Endymion choisit de dormir toujours, en restant immortel et ̩ternellement jeune.
Category Archives: Tweet
Behold! Necro-democracy!
Behold! Necro-democracy!
This book has small narrator syndrome.
This book has small narrator syndrome.
Do paleo diets allow paper towels?
Do paleo diets allow paper towels?
I imagined a social network based on caring and helpfulness, but then I realized, “oh, right… people.”
I imagined a social network based on caring and helpfulness, but then I realized, “oh, right… people.”
Replace every occurrence of “media” in the works of Marshall McLuhan with “gender,” and you’ve got THAT whole business solved.
Replace every occurrence of “media” in the works of Marshall McLuhan with “gender,” and you’ve got THAT whole business solved.
We don’t need open letters. We need open rebellion.
We don’t need open letters. We need open rebellion.
Universal creaturely friendship is just the beginning.
Universal creaturely friendship is just the beginning.
We’re all addicted to the same thing. It’s called “wrong thinking.”
We’re all addicted to the same thing. It’s called “wrong thinking.”
Your “identity” is your assignment to a group? Really? Is your identity that stupid?
Your “identity” is your assignment to a group? Really? Is your identity that stupid?