An infinitely long solid with a surface that calculates to have an infinite area, but a finite volume.
Category Archives: Tweet
2011-01-09 19:45:24 +0000
RT @debbywitt / @bakadesuyo: ÛÏThe problem with Internet quotations is that many are not genuine.Û~Abraham Lincoln
2011-01-09 17:58:35 +0000
Mmmmm, it’s like chicken-fried cookies in sweet molasses gravy!
2011-01-09 16:10:46 +0000
If you just wanted to cut to the chase. Had this happened by ~ Ep. 5, it’d still be on. Caprica Final, Cylon Manifesto
2011-01-09 14:24:02 +0000
Fun stuff…These Graphs Show How The American Dream Has Been Battered
2011-01-09 13:34:26 +0000
Very cool! Google Refine is a tool for cleaning up messy data & transforming it from one format into another.
2011-01-09 12:34:04 +0000
The present’s resentment of the past, resentment because the past had the audacity to happen without us…
2011-01-09 11:53:59 +0000
“If we go no deeper than the intellect…our whole accomplishment will be a dream”
2011-01-09 11:32:16 +0000
RT @davidbmetcalfe: So it was that Odin took himself to the tree & binding his legs tight, tore out his eye in sacrifice so he might see …
2011-01-09 00:00:02 +0000
RT @t3dy: “Psyche and matter exist in the same world, and each partakes of the other, otherwise any reciprocal action would be impossibl …