RT @_capitalism_: I am capitalism and all ideals are my ideals, all textures are my ornaments, all days and nights are my space and time.
Category Archives: Tweet
2011-01-08 23:11:54 +0000
@t3dy I think it will be transformed into nothing but a PR crisis and disappear into a swirl of punditry from both sides.
2011-01-08 22:58:53 +0000
Glad I can say “shot” now but fact remains. Giffords was marked w/crosshairs on a hitlist that was then removed from Sarah Palin’s website.
2011-01-08 19:35:15 +0000
AZ Congresswoman assassinated today was marked with crosshairs on Sarah Palin’s published “hitlist.” http://t.co/RULDZvw
2011-01-08 18:58:05 +0000
@t3dy Hah, I miss procrastination. I’ve got 3 big projects sucking all the procrastinating life out of me this month 🙂
2011-01-08 18:07:59 +0000
@baddalailama I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for the RT.
2011-01-08 17:33:03 +0000
Beautiful video, beautiful song. Watching/hearing it will make your day better, really. Destroyer – Kaputt http://vimeo.com/18442047
2011-01-08 15:19:23 +0000
Reading Foucault – Fear-Less Speech on Scribd http://scr.bi/cu42AB #readcast
2011-01-08 15:10:51 +0000
@t3dy Thanks for the #FF and for constant fascinating things!
2011-01-08 14:29:07 +0000
I favorited a YouTube video — Heidegger’s Black Forest – Part 1 of 5 http://youtu.be/Mqsu72ZlJ2c?a