I like this. RT @thehoopoe: ÛÏ@redjives: Dinner with Friends: A Manifesto http://is.gd/jVdOX {new blog post}Û
Category Archives: Tweet
2011-01-02 11:45:02 +0000
Honeybees are found to interact with quantum fields: http://t.co/uyFVAZ3
2011-01-02 11:37:59 +0000
How much of your thought depends upon undefined terms?
2011-01-01 23:38:12 +0000
RT @HarvardResearch: Study suggests there are 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe http://ht.ly/3pK3b
2011-01-01 21:22:38 +0000
RT @greatdismal: 1:1:11: How To Become Slightly Happier And Get A Bit More Done http://bit.ly/fMjksP
2011-01-01 12:44:09 +0000
For Plotinus, Matter acts as the end of what’s thinkable, the edge of the universe, the drum that Being strikes and against which it echoes.
2011-01-01 10:43:03 +0000
Interesting data. Mostly sad. A few glimmers at least. RT @datastore: Top 100 books of all time: download the data http://gu.com/p/2mxzf/tf
2011-01-01 10:39:22 +0000
I did it and I did it well. I’ll do it again, and I hope you do, too.
2011-01-01 00:45:34 +0000
Here below is inside; all above, around.
2010-12-31 17:30:19 +0000
My Bio, Stream 3 (Visual influence): Dali Õ Moreau Õ Tiepolo Õ Richter Õ Rauschenberg Õ Twombly. What’s yours?