Speaking of animals using tools is now a commonplace. But what of money, of tokens of exchange? Is it a forbidden inquiry? #animals #economy
Category Archives: Tweet
2010-12-31 02:25:03 +0000
My Bio, Stream 2a (Literary influence): Rimbaud Õ Villiers de l’Isle-Adam Õ Zola Õ Proust Õ Dickens Õ Wordsworth Õ Dante Õ Whitman. What’s yours?
2010-12-30 12:29:51 +0000
The design utilizes new & existing train tracks to create a system where buildings roll through the city. http://t.co/cu9D9yJ #architecture
2010-12-30 11:29:20 +0000
Good news. Now my ethics & paranoia will starve off a few extra lbs! RT @farfalla9: Soy Products…Dangerous Neurotoxin http://bit.ly/g3c6DV
2010-12-30 11:01:44 +0000
My Bio, Stream 1 (Intellectual influence): Schelling Õ Derrida Õ Freud Õ Lacan Õ _i_ek Õ Agamben Õ Heidegger Õ Plotinus. What’s yours?
2010-12-29 20:32:00 +0000
I tend to wear my texts on my sleeve.
2010-12-29 06:51:41 +0000
If I wake up at 1am, will I also still wake up at 5? And what is the interval between them called? A nap?
2010-12-28 23:52:09 +0000
The finger is not to be asked to see; there is the eye for that; a finger has its own business, to be finger and have finger power. Plotinus
2010-12-28 03:19:04 +0000
Break through it. Dissolve it. It’s just the histamine. Or not much more.
2010-12-28 02:50:02 +0000
A metaphysics of plenitude would value metaphors of dirt and water over those of gold.