These make great interludes and shuffle surprises. RT @ubuweb: ‘The Conet Project…Shortwave Numbers Stations’ [DL]:
Category Archives: Tweet
2010-12-19 15:27:55 +0000
Among Forms, even stones, mud, and hair
2010-12-19 14:13:51 +0000
Erotic mapping of the cyborg body. Knowing, penetrating: (Such a great show. Re-watched on DVD this weekend. I miss it.)
2010-12-19 13:14:08 +0000
Towards a scientiÂc concept of free will as a biological trait: spontaneous actions and decision-making in invertebrates
2010-12-19 13:11:43 +0000
BBC News – Free will similar in animals, humans – but not so free
2010-12-18 16:04:47 +0000
I feel caught in the tension between my characteristic and my mantissa.
2010-12-18 14:31:41 +0000
I favorited a YouTube video — Cindytalk “it’s Luxury”
2010-12-18 13:15:30 +0000
Borrowing time on an interest-only loan, but here comes the principal, at a higher rate. Now I begin to pay the true costs of exhaustion…
2010-12-18 12:03:15 +0000
Ugh! Europe Rules That Dan Flavin and Bill Viola Artworks Are Not Art –
2010-12-17 22:37:15 +0000
🙁 Captain Beefheart, a.k.a. Don Van Vliet, dies at 69