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Category Archives: Tweet
2010-12-07 12:57:01 +0000
RT @UnlikelyWorlds: Haruki Murakami on Reality A and Reality B: http://nyti.ms/hNgGl8
2010-12-07 12:53:04 +0000
…fragments of involvement…
2010-12-06 12:27:05 +0000
Just saw my first snowflakes of the season.
2010-12-06 12:14:46 +0000
I’m looking forward to seeing Game of Thrones. I love the novels–not even as a guilty pleasure. They’re very good. http://t.co/6UPdXnW
2010-12-05 18:12:01 +0000
Just say no to people.
2010-12-05 11:51:46 +0000
This is a process, and so is that.
2010-12-04 15:46:55 +0000
It sure would be nice if Tumblr worked on Saturday mornings. Its day of rest just doesn’t connect well with my days of work. #tumblr #fail
2010-12-04 11:15:01 +0000
A skink species lays eggs on the coast but births babies in the mountains, a glimpse at how placentas evolved. http://t.co/CDZRbvL
2010-12-04 00:11:01 +0000
I just don’t want to be one of those people who “uses words.”