Ask the machines for permission to believe.
Category Archives: Tweet
2010-11-15 12:47:28 +0000
Found Anglo-Saxon Primer by Henry Sweet #ebooks @gutenberg_org
2010-11-15 12:36:25 +0000
Thank you, Monday, for the fish hooks in my oatmeal.
2010-11-14 14:14:19 +0000
I uploaded a YouTube video — November 14, 2010 08:43
2010-11-14 14:06:37 +0000
I uploaded a YouTube video — The grackles are here.
2010-11-14 13:34:41 +0000
Habitus labs …attempts to inform social technology experiments w/ Mauss, Bourdieu, Elias… via @habituslabs
2010-11-14 12:53:52 +0000
Really interesting interview. Paris Review – Michel Houellebecq
2010-11-14 12:09:18 +0000
Stoats, amok.
2010-11-14 11:57:16 +0000
Why are pundits and journalism purists so worried whether @KeithOlbermann “is a journalist?” Definitions aside, his voice has value.
2010-11-14 10:44:15 +0000
There are no moments. Why would there be?