An undercurrent of transformation in my thoughts and powers as strong as a riptide – all I need endeavor is swim out too far to be saved.
Category Archives: Tweet
2013-10-22 18:30:22 +0000
If all Apple have done, basically, is add tabs to Finder windows, why didn’t they call it OSX Tabby?
2013-10-19 14:43:39 +0000
Everything is its own manifesto.
2013-10-19 14:37:15 +0000
It is that simple feeling-with that allows the entire architecture of when we allow “should” to be.
2013-10-19 14:28:57 +0000
Good is what happens when Evil gets its own universe.
2013-10-18 19:13:32 +0000
I want to live in a world where people don’t live in worlds.
2013-10-13 18:41:49 +0000
Phallus = detachability
2013-10-13 18:30:27 +0000
I don’t even know which clouds are in the sky anymore.
2013-10-13 17:01:46 +0000
RT @Rosa__Luxemburg: The revolution is freedom multiplying through the minds of millions!
2013-10-13 17:00:33 +0000
All understanding depends on recourse to the virtual.