Loss of precision. Fading of vision. Use of prosthetics.
Category Archives: Tweet
2013-09-07 18:03:55 +0000
I love sneezing so many times that I start to have olfactory hallucinations.
2013-09-07 17:34:45 +0000
Photo: Hans Thoma viaåÊblood-period http://t.co/VT3RizYyJK
2013-09-07 16:56:54 +0000
“…for we teach Truth, the daughter of Time, God willing.”
2013-09-07 16:20:44 +0000
New No Bra album “Candy” is streaming here this weekend. Been so looking forward to it! http://t.co/aVgLA2N31x
2013-09-06 13:39:15 +0000
Vaguely dirty product instructions…. “Avoid grinding over steaming pots.”
2013-09-06 04:16:40 +0000
“Hard to say”
2013-08-23 05:05:21 +0000
Bagger. Beggar. Bigger bugger. Fish dish wish. Swish.
2013-08-23 03:52:25 +0000
Moons are mean because they make monkeys think and want things.
2013-08-23 02:53:58 +0000
Sometimes I think I have ADHD. But I just realized now, not at all. I have Hyper-Attentive Inactivity Disorder.