Category Archives: Uncategorized
Small feels large.
Small feels large.
Medium feels small.
Medium feels small.
Let’s draw Madonnas together.
Let’s draw Madonnas together.
Why am I not making anything? Flitting and twitting from face to face, unbooked and book-less.
Why am I not making anything? Flitting and twitting from face to face, unbooked and book-less.
- Addicts will turn how you approach a disagreement back around on you because they can only understand “responsibility” as coming from outside themselves
- Paranoid people believe others are out to get them because they narcissistically fantasize that it should be true
- Gender dysphorics are obsessed with how they are perceived because they struggle to find the locus of expression of their own identity
- Fundamentalists are intolerant of others because they hate their own inner lack of conviction in what they think are supposed to believe
Sometimes to be honest it would be good to get out of my head without going out of my mind.
Sometimes to be honest it would be good to get out of my head without going out of my mind.
In economies as with skin diseases, you don’t want to stimulate excessive production of the wrong substances.
In economies as with skin diseases, you don’t want to stimulate excessive production of the wrong substances.
Identity politics = theocracy for narcissists.
Identity politics = theocracy for narcissists.
“¿Se lavan los monos con orina para atraer a las hembras?”
“¿Se lavan los monos con orina para atraer a las hembras?”