The hell of self-expression
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Animals with each other
Animals with each other
I have questions. I have questions about theories. I have questions about theories of men. I have questions about theories of men’s questions. I have questions about men’s theories of questions. I have no more questions.
To commemorate Mothers Day, imagine that everything you see is pregnant, giving birth, and nurturing.
To commemorate Mothers Day, imagine that everything you see is pregnant, giving birth, and nurturing.
You can’t be a window until you have been all the doors. You can’t be a flower until you have been all the leaves.
You can’t be a window until you have been all the doors. You can’t be a flower until you have been all the leaves.
The vulgate version of the Arthurian romances: v. 7. Supplement: Le livre d’Artus
- Of perspective | the gaze
- Of possibility | the quantum state
- Of meaning | the word
- Of intention | the act
Sub-experientialization of paradise (us)
Why becoming?
Why now?
Sometime in perfection.
American English
I am not represented by my government.
You are not represented by your government.
He is not represented by his government.
She is not represented by her government.
One is not represented by one’s government.
We are not represented by our government.
They are not represented by their government.
[C(aius)] Acu[ti]us [-] f(ilius) Ter(etina) / hoc venit primus / a(nte) d(iem) V K(alendas) Septembris(!) / Q(uinto) Fabio C(aio) Licinio co(n)s(ulibus) / Γάϊος Ἀκούτιος // M(arcus) Claudius Varus // Sp(urius) Varaeus N(umeri) f(ilius) / hoc venerunt / a(nte) d(iem) V K(alendas) Septem(bres) co(n)s(ulibus) / Romae Q(uinto) Fabio C(aio) Li[cinio]