Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ysophagus is componed of tuo tuniclez villulate withinforþ continued with þe pellicle of þe mouþ & vtward carnous which forsoþ is continued with þe pelliclez of þe selfe wombe.

The deceased in this picture appears to be a fox, which was probably the animal intended to be represented in the original, although, in the copy of it preserved, it looks more like a squirrel. The bier is carried by the goat and the boar, while a little dog underneath is taking liberties with the tail of the latter. Immediately before the bier, the hare carries the lighted taper, preceded by the wolf, who carries the cross, and the bear, who holds in one hand the holy-water vessel and in the other the aspersoir. 

Litany of Found Imperatives

Discover your life purpose and embark on a life path you are proud of! Take action on your goals and dreams! Pursue what you truly love! Learn how to cultivate your own happiness! Learn and apply productive goal achievement strategies that work! Become more productive, effective, and efficient! Quit bad habits, cultivate new habits, and revamp your lifestyle! Face and overcome some of life’s biggest obstacles! Become more confident and break away from limiting beliefs! Examine fears, limitations, and emotions that are getting in your way! Eliminate negative thoughts and emotions and become a more positive thinker! Break away from relationships that have been holding you back! Acquire better people skills and develop more meaningful relationships! Reconnect with your true self and you inner genius! Find increased meaning and satisfaction in your daily life!

She began to think about the foreskin of Christ, where it may be located… And behold, soon she felt with the greatest sweetness on her tongue a little piece of skin like the skin of an egg, which she swallowed. After she had swallowed it, she again felt the little skin on her tongue with sweetness as before, and again she swallowed it. And this happened about a hundred times.

From “The Holy Foreskin,”

I’m not opposed to a bit of sentiment, and as I’ve been standing around peeling chestnuts for what feels like the entire year, I’ve thought through all the many things I am thankful for this year.

I’m thankful, still, that I got myself off my ass and moved to LA after stagnating much longer than was good for me.

I’m thankful for the two beautiful feline souls that are inseparably cuddled up in mine.

I’m thankful for the friends who have cared enough (and dared enough) to help me this year, at times before I knew I needed the support in the first place.

I’m thankful for the countless fun times I’ve spent with all my friends this year.

I’m thankful for everyone on Facebook who takes the time to play and share and think together.

I’m thankful for the writers, artists, musicians, and creators past and present who add so much texture to my life.

I’m thankful for the resources that feed a compulsive book fetish that I can more or less satisfy.

I’m thankful for all the small luxuries I’m privileged enough to have.

I’m thankful for living in a house that I love and for inhabiting the great, vast house of being that I love, too.

I’m thankful for things that are almost too easy to take for granted (though unwise to do so): my health, my mind, and my upbringing.

I’m thankful for the future and what it will bring.

I’m thankful for every beautiful life and flicker in this entire universe. We are all here for each other.

And I’m thankful for a Grace I can barely conceive of or believe in.

To bless or curse with power friends or enemies to do good or evil.
To converse with spirits.
To find hidden treasures in ancient ruins.
To conjure the spirits of priests who died leaving treasures.
To understand the voice of the wind.
To change water into wine.
To divine with cards.
To know the secrets of the hand.
To cure diseases.
To make those who are ugly beautiful.
To tame wild beasts.