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Now there’s a cup of pure wine in the rose’s hand, 
the bulbul sings its praises in (or, with) a hundred tongues.

Call for a slim book of verse and head for the open air.
What time is this for madrasa, studying kashf (revelation) and Kashshāf (Qur’ān commentary)?

Cut yourself off from people. Learn from the ‘Anqā (a phoenix-like bird whose home is in the remote mountain chain of Qāf) what to do:
hermits are renowned from Mount Qāf to Mount Qāf (from one side of the world to the other).

Yesterday the madrasa jurist was drunk and gave this ruling:
wine’s unlawful – but better than consuming waqf (charitable trust) assets.

Dregs or pure wine?  The choice is not yours — but drink on!
All our Cupbearer (here meaning God) does is the essence of kindness.

The gabble of the pretentious, the vain thoughts of sycophants –
it’s all the same story of gold-embroiderers (or, ʻgold-grabbersʼ: zar-dūz) and basket-weavers (būriyā-bāf: cf. riyā, ostentation).

Hold your peace, Ḥāfiẓ. And these fine points [pure] as red gold –
hold onto them: the town banker is the town forger!

Then it was that He did set me free, and it was after this manner. Firstly, He did question me; then He did say unto me, “Put thy mouth into the wound in My side.” Then methought that I did put it there and did drink the blood which was running freshly from out of His side, and in the doing of this it was given to me to know that I was cleansed.

of a dead fetus : having undergone reddening, loss of skin, and distortion of the features during retention in the uterus <two years later a 10 inch macerated

Among other “reasons” for not reforming gun laws is the simple fact that these tragedies give us something easy to deplore. And they are, in an almost literal sense, tragedies, shows that are put on for public catharsis. It’s always been odd to me that everyone so naturally reverts to the language of theater to describe them, but as I think about it more, it’s because somehow we actually all do know what these events are. For us as social individuals, they create the opportunity to mime our cohesion with a certain set of minimal values. We can all talk about our prayers and our support and perform our demonstrations of individual virtue. For us as governed individuals, these events offer convenient distraction from asking about who is governing and in what interest. I’m not saying that they are planned or caused, but simply that they are allowed, and are our very own 21st century American version of bread and circuses. And that’s why nothing meaningful will ever be done to prevent them.