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When a man rightly sees,
he sees no death, no sickness or distress.
When a man rightly sees,
he sees all, he wins all, completely.

I just don’t understand sports fandom. At the end of a football game, people often say “we won” or “we lost.” But as people watch the credits roll at the end of the latest blockbuster, almost no one in the audience says “we made such a great/awful movie.” So, exactly what level of engagement is required to internalize a spectacle that actually has nothing to do with you beyond your having watched it? Where is the threshold past which you decide to take emotional ownership of other people’s actions?

A picture is not its color, its form, or its anecdotes, but an intent entity idea whose implications transcend any of its parts.

– Mark Rothko

They use blood for painting and are so filthy that their presence is nauseating. They are by far the most filthy, miserable, wretched beings that we have ever met or known of. No happiness or pleasure can exist with them unless in the simple absence of pain.

On the seventh day of the seventh month, women traditionally competed in threading needles as part of the festivities celebrating the one night each year when the Herd Boy and Weaving Maid, legendary lovers immortalized as constellations, are allowed to meet.