Once you get past eternity you grasp just how much is next.
Be the bacteria you wish to see in the world.
Be the bacteria you wish to see in the world.
Ex s. Sexi.
The science of periodontia should be developed to the highest degree so that it can prevent the loss of teeth which is responsible for emotional castration, and ageing neuroses.
A Hermaphrodite
Schutzherrin der Dichtung
Schutzherrin der Dichtung
I want a “thing” installed in my fingertip that allows me to see the meaning of any word I don’t know in any language, just by touching it on the surface of a page or screen or some other viewer. I also want it to show me the full cone of that word’s scope, its etymology, and the history of its usages. I don’t mean in the sense of a bunch of links to follow, like hypertext, but in the sense of immediate full cognitive awareness.
Whatever you believe you are in your own thinking, in someone else’s, you are merely genitals.
Whatever you believe you are in your own thinking, in someone else’s, you are merely genitals.
Being and nonbeing are so fundamentally the same that any distinction between them quickly recedes into meaninglessness.
Being and nonbeing are so fundamentally the same that any distinction between them quickly recedes into meaninglessness.