A weak light steals its last heat from the leaves before they fall.
2010-11-10 12:10:27 +0000
People often ask me “should” and “how.” The words make sense but their worlds do not. Ethics, imperatives, praxis ought to come from within.
God is the remainder when life is divided by consciousness.
2010-11-09 21:54:21 +0000
Crazy crazy day–sorry to have missed out on so many of your tweets today.
2010-11-09 17:06:15 +0000
True insane brilliance, especially the vocals. Comprised of nothing but small samples from Terminator 2: http://is.gd/gS9r1
2010-11-09 00:33:23 +0000
A fundamentality without fundamentalism.
2010-11-07 23:12:54 +0000
I’m tired and I miss the future.
2010-11-07 21:47:01 +0000
A day at the end of Daylight Savings Time, with daylight wasted by an ill-timed nap.
2010-11-07 21:05:12 +0000
Seems worth experimenting with. RT @NiemanLab: ItÛªs people! Meet Soylent, the crowdsourced copy editor http://nie.mn/9W8Zlv
2010-11-07 19:49:29 +0000
Scientists find mass coral die-off near BP oil spill site | Raw Story http://t.co/GJGD3Zh