And 2:30 is now “late afternoon.”
It’s weird, and slightly creepy, to see the house I grew up in on Google Street View: Link
2010-11-07 13:26:51 +0000
a system gone past the point where emergence of wholeness can occur from intersections of its parts unless new systematicity is introduced
2010-11-07 13:19:26 +0000
A journey through conditions, rules and elements that play a part in the creation of prints and sculptures. #generative
2010-11-07 13:10:14 +0000
Yet another great thing from @mattermorph: Mind the Screen: Media Concepts According to Thomas Elsaesser [book/pdf]
2010-11-07 13:07:32 +0000
Emerged yet undisclosed.
2010-11-07 11:24:20 +0000
I’m going to leave my clocks alone and just set everything else an hour forward.
2010-11-06 22:19:01 +0000
You may already be the object of another verb.
2010-11-06 17:53:59 +0000
Anything you might need to know about the lack of opposition between any things is owned by squirrels and birds and what they do.
2010-11-06 17:51:10 +0000
Today I am connected to the idea of blue.