Your utilization must be managed.
Burn this tweet!
Burn this tweet!
Be your own effigy.
Be your own effigy.
Mayonnaise war! For cats!
Mayonnaise war! For cats!
“To paint involves a certain crisis, or at least a crucial moment of sensation or release; and by crisis it should by no means be limited to a morbid state, but could just as well be one ecstatic impulse…”
-Cy Twombly
One study in rats found that periodontitis impaired penis function.
One study in rats found that periodontitis impaired penis function.
Let’s move all the monuments on earth to a single island.
Let’s move all the monuments on earth to a single island.
Migrate everything to pure ephemerality so that no traces remain, says the anarchivist.
Migrate everything to pure ephemerality so that no traces remain, says the anarchivist.
Voici la Liberté
There are no insides, just unsurfaced outsides.
There are no insides, just unsurfaced outsides.