They say the putrefying marrow from the spine of a human corpse turns into a serpent and the reptile issues forth and crawls off alive, the most savage of beings from the tamest. But the rest of a good and noble man remains unchanged, and has peace for its reward; also the spirits of such men are praised and sung by the wise. The spines of bad men, however, breed like things after death.
ONLY one thing will help a sick lion; but eating a monkey is a cure for his disease.
ONLY one thing will help a sick lion; but eating a monkey is a cure for his disease.
Encircled with a RING, formed of SERPENTS
Sisyphos dratet̻s, Sisyphus the Runaway, is named only once
Sisyphos dratet̻s, Sisyphus the Runaway, is named only once; Sisyphos petrokylist̻s, Sisyphus the Stone-Roller, is mentioned twice.
Giving to them stallions – horses and asses
Giving to them stallions – horses and asses – and the race of bulls to serve them as slaves and to relieve them of their toil.
The greatest need for revolution comes when there can no longer be revolution.
The greatest need for revolution comes when there can no longer be revolution.
Climb behind my eye. I will feed you maggots.
Climb behind my eye. I will feed you maggots.
Prepare for the systematic deformation of the male body.
Prepare for the systematic deformation of the male body.
The hundred thousand martyrs of logic
The hundred thousand martyrs of logic
Talk about death like a boy, smell about death like a boy, like mildew and Axe.
Talk about death like a boy, smell about death like a boy, like mildew and Axe.