I am fish-aged, the age of a fish aging in the Age of Fishes.
Gymnosophists in space!
Gymnosophists in space!
Don’t make comparisons.
Don’t make comparisons.
Keeping your opinions to yourself is the first step to getting rid of them entirely.
Keeping your opinions to yourself is the first step to getting rid of them entirely.
Agave bore his head in triumph in the delusion that it was that of a lion.
Agave bore his head in triumph in the delusion that it was that of a lion.
Leucippe, Arsippe, and Alcithoë, the daughters of Minyas, out of love for their husbands, held themselves aloof from the orgiastic rites of Dionysus and attended to their weaving and to punish their obstinacy, the god brought madness upon the sisters, so that they tore to pieces the son of Leucippe; in consequence of which deed of blood they were pursued by the Maenads.
From the feet up the crown of the head steals the spasm, the stab of Frenzy, aye, the scorpionÛªs sting.
From the feet up the crown of the head steals the spasm, the stab of Frenzy, aye, the scorpionÛªs sting.
My favorite food ever is one specific blueberry. I just ate it and now I will never have my favorite food again and I can’t stop crying.
My favorite food ever is one specific blueberry. I just ate it and now I will never have my favorite food again and I can’t stop crying.
2014-01-25 18:15:15 +0000
RT @ubuweb: Thousands of MP3s of Japanese pop music, mostly from the 1920s-1950s: http://t.co/EbL5qeEWUz
Ejaculatory oracularity
Ejaculatory oracularity