Stoats, amok.
2010-11-14 11:57:16 +0000
Why are pundits and journalism purists so worried whether @KeithOlbermann “is a journalist?” Definitions aside, his voice has value.
2010-11-14 10:44:15 +0000
There are no moments. Why would there be?
2010-11-13 21:29:55 +0000
I uploaded a YouTube video — November 13, 2010 12:26
2010-11-13 21:23:12 +0000
I uploaded a YouTube video — November 13, 2010 12:28
2010-11-13 14:15:53 +0000
Can you give up EVERYTHING, right now, for just 90 seconds?
2010-11-13 13:26:24 +0000
“I hereby excuse you from appearing in my idea of you.” (Pessoa)
2010-11-13 13:16:35 +0000
David Bromwich åá The Fastidious President (LRB)
2010-11-13 01:52:01 +0000
November is a fine time to realize that you are finished with something. May the dead leaves blow into the woods and rot.
2010-11-12 22:43:25 +0000
Cool. RT @t3dy: Castaneda docu and @t3dy definitely #FF – worthy!